Pleven is the seventh largest city in Bulgaria. It amazes me these things actually still happen? How is it possible that after all these years children are still literally starving to death while in a government run institution? But sadly it is true. It does happen in a countless number of orphanages and a countless number of countries world wide. There are over 147,000,000 orphans in the world today and that number is growing. 147 million children who are hungry for food, shelter the love of a family. Only 2% will ever be adopted. So what will happen to the rest? Most will turn to drugs, prostitution and a life of crime hoping to survive in the streets. In most countries children are released at age 16. Released to fend for themselves in the streets of Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, the middle East, China. With no families, no mentors, no support.
So with 147 million children at risk why help Faith? Because Faith has a family that wants her. She with our help can and will be one of the lucky 2% that make it out. With our help Faith will know love for the first time at age 14. Faith will receive much needed life saving medical treatment as soon as her plane touches down in the USA. Faith will have a chance to become the very special girl she was meant to be. I don't ask often but I'm asking now. Please visit Faith's adoption blog. Read her story. Please donate what you can. Let's get her home to her family so she can start to live for the first time in 14 years. Come on grab her Chip in Button. For the price of a latte you can be part of something big. Something truly life changing not just for Faith but I promise it will change you too. Thank You!