Oh .. My... Deer...
One of the many things that we're trying to get Tamara to do is truly appreciate her natural surroundings. To be at peace with nature and have a sense of appreciation for it.
Sometimes that entails lying in Daddy's hammock watching the clouds go by. Sometimes it's feeding the fish in our ponds. Sometimes it's taking a long walk down the street. And sometimes it's giving her a camera and seeing things her way... for the first time ... again.
Below Daddy and Tamara wave for the camera during one of our many stroller walks.
I thought I'd post a few pictures that were taken during our walks this week.
Oh.. My... Deer. Yes we have them. Lots of them.
Pretty no?
View to the right...
View to the left.
OK.. so now... what is a sure fire way to get your baby girl to really notice stuff in the garden and get some cute shots in the process? Give her a camera and let her have some fun.
Sometimes you have to crouch down to get that perfect shot.
Cute no? Tamara takes pictures of the flowers.
Looking around for new subjects.
Smile Mommy
Daddy working.. looks on. Looks so serious doesn't he? Must be an important meeting.
Flowers in Mommy's Garden.
and more.
Such hams.
Yogurt break
This was a photo shoot after church on Sunday. Although a beautiful day .. still a little toasty in the sun. Here Tamara complains about the heat. She's such a Drama Queen. lol
Very expressive uses her hands a lot.
Tamara briefs Lilly on her photo shoot.
This week we had a few firsts.
One morning I went to get Tamara up and as I entered I said "Hi Baby"
and she responded "Hi Mama".
I almost fell over... just too cute.
She can open doors and knows how to work the facets in the house.
She understands HOT is to the left, COLD to the right.
This week she finally started to allow us to read a whole book to her without her flipping pages or loosing interest quickly. I guess no one ever read to her in Tbilisi?
Another first was an apple-pear. She likes them as do Mommy and Daddy.
Have you tried them? Below is a picture of them. It's a real fruit... new breed apparently? and Tamara calls them App-el-p