I imagine that's what she's thinking although she doesn't say it yet.
Peaschool went pretty well yesterday although there was an interesting twist of event that transpired.
We arrived in plenty of time to hear a little boy screaming all the way out in the parking lot. We'll call him Johnny for the sake of the story. Tamara who would normally happily hold Mama's hand and walk suddenly jumped in my arms. So here I am carrying Tamara, her backpack, stuffed kitty cat, purse, camera. OK.. suddenly she weighed 50 lbs. But we made it all the way up the stairs and into her classroom. The classroom was filled with parents, children and staff. ALL the children looked somewhat nervous. Some were crying. Some looked very withdrawn and rejected when their parents .. mostly those who had to leave for work as they suddenly left. Tamara clung to me for about 15-20 minutes watching all the children, their parents and teachers interact. Finally I convinced her to go check out the play kitchen that was in one corner of the room. Facing away from the door I started to take pictures. Never miss a good photo opp. ;o)
I guess I was really focused on Tamara as I heard the door slam. Turned around and found myself to be the only parent left in the room. Surrounded by 15 little people and 3 staff members... ouch.. where did everybody go?
I said to Tamara's teacher "I guess I'm supposed to leave now?" and she responded .. "you don't have to.. why don't you stay a little while." So I did.
I know what you're thinking... that I should have left.. but how could I at that point?
Class was in session. They had the children sit on little carpets in a circle. Took attendance, said the pledge of Allegiance, and sang a few songs. Then the teacher read them a book about a baby racoon's first day at school. And informed the class that they were going to do a craft project which was a raccoon mask made out of a paper plate and a tongue depressor? Well maybe it was a Popsicle stick but I saw a tongue depressor.
At this point Tamara was sitting by Mommy in the back and would not join the other children. There were two other kids that didn't want to join in. Little Johnny and a little Shirley Temple. Both children were very sad and Tamara was more concerned about them then what the class was doing. At one point she went over to the little boy.. gentled stroked his back. Tilted her head looking at him and said "Hi". It was very sweet to see her concern for this little boy.
She loved the craft project.. had her back toward me and I thought "Oh here's my chance" I asked the Director if I should seize the moment and leave. I told her I didn't think it was fair to Tamara to sneak out but? She called her teacher over and asked and her teacher said absolutely not without saying goodbye. So I had planned to do it .. and suddenly a freak storm blew in. Literally.. the windows were open and horizontal rain poured in on the kids. So I helped the teachers close all the windows as there were more windows then teachers. It got pitch black outside and the lightening was close. With that I thought .. ok.. I'm staying put for a while. I did manage to sneak out of the room and stay away while Tamara and her class mates played, sang, did the Hokie Pokie and ate their snacks. She loved it. She did find me twice mostly because Mommy was chatting with the staff. Coffee in the kitchen. Hung out in the office.
By the end of the 2-1/2 hours all the teachers had pretty much come to me to tell me how sweet and amazing my daughter is. They all commented that she was smart and advanced in some areas. When it was time to form a line .. a new concept for most of these 3 year olds. Tamara helped the teachers get the kids in line. In the bathroom she was teaching them how to wash and dry their hands. Snack time she kept an eye out making sure no one ran out of apple juice or pretzels and told the teacher when they did. Her teacher thinks someday she'll own a successful restaurant? Hum? That might be fun. Dinner anyone?
Tamara had a wonderful time. It seems that she has made a few friends and the teachers all seem to love her. She too really likes them.
So as you can see we did bend the rules a bit yesterday but on the other hand I think Tamara and I will both be more comfortable tomorrow when I do leave. Yes really I will leave this time ;o). I have no intention on going to Preschool 5 hours a week. lol.
It also gave me a chance to see her in action and take some pictures which I otherwise would have missed. And last but not least I got to see the staff in action. WOW .. are they good. I was amazed more then once and actually picked up a few tips on how to be 3.
Below Tamara .. still sleepy.. plays before leaving for school.
Below Tamara .. still sleepy.. plays before leaving for school.
A little concerned.. but she held it together well.
Tamara seated with her back to the camera. She loved playing with the glue stick. Did a good job on the mask. Mommy is saving it of course. It's already hanging in her art gallery which was a gift from her cousins. Thanks guys... great gift!
Tamara and her teacher went to put her mask in her cubby locker. She models it first.
That was yesterday.. all in all a great day!
Tonight she was excited when I told her she needed a good night's sleep so she's well rested for school. After her bath she went right to bed. ;o)
Today we went to the Pediatric Neurologist. After his exam he told us she appears to be fine. Physically, mentally developing very well. Yay!
In his professional opinion he said he didn't think she would have any problems and said she did not require surgery for her head. Yay!
Next stop we go to the skull specialist at the children's hospital. These are the guys who will probably want an MRI or Catscan to see why she has a small head circumference and why she still has a soft spot at 3-1/2. Keep your fingers crossed. We're almost there.
I was so proud of Tamara today. She Aced all his tests and totally charmed the Dr.
That's my girl. ;o)