He's late coming home....
Somewhere in the ________. In a foster home sits a young boy. He has waited to come home for as long as our Tamara has been home.
Somewhere in the USA his mother waits, worries, prayers every morning and every night.
She prays that he is safe and healthy, she prays that he isn't hungry, lonely or sad.
If you could ask her what she wants most tonight I'm sure she would say to have my Levi home. To be able to hold him and let him know that he is loved, wanted and cared for.
If we could ask Levi what he wants most.
I'm sure Levi would say.. To have a family and be loved.
_____ Levi born in _______is stuck there in a Foster Home. His family is about to prepare their 4th Dossier for the ________.
They need our help as finances are tight and Dossiers can be pretty expensive to prepare.. especially after a 2nd, 3rd and 4th run. I usually don't post fundraisers for adoptions but _______ is different. ______ is one of our children which should have come home in 08. Like Tamara, Hannah, Sophia and Catherine (oh how I wish I could show you how adorable these little girls are.) _______ Levi has a family here in the states. He has sisters and brothers and wonderful parents who hope, wish and pray every day for their little boy. ________ is different because he is a living reminder that there but for the grace of God goes my daughter.
_______ is different because he is the one who got left behind.
Won't you help us bring him home?
Their blog link....
His mom Alysha is having a fund raiser. Win a THE NEW FLIP SLIDE HD.
Before I go I'd like to address something. I'd like to address fundraising. Over the years I've seen hundreds of prospective adoptive parents trying to raise funds for their adoptions. Parents who has tapped out their finances doing IVF for years or perhaps have had multiple failed adoption attempts. It happens. No one likes to think about it and we tend not to discuss it. It's about children after all. But it's a real concern.. this finance thing.
I read two blogs today that asked for financial support. Both mothers are religious and pray on things. I found myself annoyed as I read the blogs. Both mentioned needing new vans to hold their newest additions. One asked for help relocating some rescue cats that were taking up residence in the new children's bedroom. Annoyed that they hadn't prepared "well enough" and they felt that if they prayed God would find a way. I came down stairs and told my husband about it. What's wrong with people? I asked. Remembering how detail oriented I was before going to get Tamara. Everything had to be perfect back then. I checked my lists and checked them twice, three time, four times. How could someone not have a car big enough or even a fully decorated , stocked bedroom waiting for two little girls?
And then it hit me. Their prayers will be answered. Perhaps they already have been for through my annoyance I have been called to action. I'm sure there are others.
So I am asking ALL of you with soft hearts and deep pockets to help Alysha bring her son home. Alysha and I have become somewhat close in the past few years. I've been following her progress lending advice and moral support when needed. I'm pretty sure these moms will understand my post and my annoyance. You see it really isn't about them.. they're fine. In fact this post is really about me realizing yet another "Ah Ha" moment.
They prayed... and guess what I helped them pray. lol.. Now seriously did you ever pray for something and not help it happen? Genius! Simply Perfect!
Yes.. through God ALL things are possible.
Like I posted on a friends wall today on FB ...
"Lots of Prayers and hugs on their way. Stay positive... always look up!!! xoxo"
Lets bring this little boy home to his mother!!!